Advantages of Unfriending your ex on Facebook.
Breakups are often painful--and sometimes brutally so. If you’ve gone through a breakup and find yourself wanting to get back together with an ex-girlfriend, there are some important steps you’ll need to take and considerations you’ll need to address. And, unfortunately, not all of them are easy.
I will lay out the advantages of unfriending your ex from Facebook.
I will lay out the advantages of unfriending your ex from Facebook.
The Advantages of Unfriending Your Ex
1. The first and the major advantage of unfriending your ex will be your peace of mind. You can finally start concentrating on your life without obsessing over your ex. Every time your ex updates their status or post a pic of them having fun with their friends or with their new boyfriend or girlfriend, you won’t spend hours thinking about them. You know why, because you won’t see it. Being oblivious to your ex’s activity is a blessing in disguise.
2. Your ex will not be able to manipulate you. Chances are, your ex is not as happy as they make you think on their facebook. They put pictures and statuses on their facebook of having the most interesting life and most joyous status update. While in reality, they might be actually be eating ice cream on their couch while wearing the same pajamas for the past three days.
3. Another advantage of removing your ex from your life will give you a sense of power over your life. It will also send out the message that you are not holding on to every last thread that connects you from your ex and you are ready to move on. Whether you want to get back together or move on, this message is gong to work in your advantage.
4. If you happen to feel low, and you share something depressing on your facebook, which clearly indicates you are not over your ex, your ex will not see it. You can freely share your feelings and your thoughts with your friend if you choose to. Although, it is highly recommended that you do it over the phone instead of your face-book wall.
5. You can freely flirt with other people without worrying what your ex will think about it. Flirting can be a healthy thing after a breakup. It makes you realize that your ex is not the only person for you and you are still attractive to a lot of other people.
6. You will also be more motivated to stop wasting your time on Facebook and do things that make you feel better about yourself.