How to take care of your cough?

Throat disruption, inflammation of the throat, respiratory infections or lung infections cause coughing. It is extremely important to take care of yourself.

Tip 1
Increases the air's moisture to prevent cough. Water steam Salam works to moisture.

Tip 2
In case of coughing, more water is thrown in order to make the oven slim and easy to get out.

Tip 3
Swelling water in warm water also reduces throat swelling. And there's a cough to rest. In addition, the lump in the throat can be easily removed.

Tip 4
Auxiliary tablets also help in coughing and drainage. Sliced straw can be used for it.

Tip 5
Keep out of smoke- free air pollution and any pollution of the environment. The smoke of Seattle can spoil cough, avoid it.

Tip 6
Due to the coughing, the hands should be washed with antibacterial soap, so that more germs can be prevented.

Cold water and soft drinks are avoided. In cough, milk and cheese should not be used. Dry cough in oil should be fried with fried articles. Evite the use of fish and spinach.

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