How to detect a healthy relationship
When you decide to join your life with another person, it’s about embarking on a journey together, for years to come. Always give them top priorities never treat them as an option because they are going to be yours forever if someone loves you truly.

Fulfil each other expectations, enjoy your life and be happy together forever because it's very difficult to get true love. Once you find it then respect and value it.
Here are some signs of a healthy relationship:

Fulfil each other expectations, enjoy your life and be happy together forever because it's very difficult to get true love. Once you find it then respect and value it.
Here are some signs of a healthy relationship:
- You say the magic words - “I love you”, “thank you,” and “I’m sorry.”
- You can talk about anything-healthy couples tell each other everything. Speaking your mind can be incredibly difficult at times, but people in healthy relationships don’t hold back–even when the truth hurts.
- You like yourself and your partner -you recognize that neither of you is perfect, and you accept and value each other for who you are right now—not who you might become.
- You make decisions jointly-you don’t call all the shots. Neither does your partner. From each small thing to everything, you make decisions together and listen to each other’s concerns and desires.
- You find joy - healthy relationships are full of laughter and fun. This doesn’t mean you’re giddy every hour of the day—but it does mean that your life together is mostly happy in sometimes simple ways. (making dinner, laughing at the same things, finishing each others’ sentences…)
- You treat each other with kindness - nothing is more important than treating the person you love with care, consideration, empathy, and appreciation. If you find yourself showing more respect to people you hardly know that you show your partner, take a step back and revisit your priorities.
- You trust each other healthy relationships are built on trust and a commitment to communication without reservations or secrets without breaking promises or commitment.
- You let things go - your partner will annoy you. You will annoy him or her, too. You will say things you don’t mean. You will behave inconsiderately. The important thing is how you deal with all this. Tell him you’re disappointed, of course—then let it go.
- You talk to your partner, not to other people when you have issues and concerns, you share them with your partner, not your Facebook friends.
- You hold each other up during tough times - life will throw you lemons every now and then. It’s inevitable. A tell-tale sign of a healthy relationship is how you support each other during these trying times. Don’t be afraid to cry together and experience pain and suffering.
- You encourage each other to grow and change. In other words, you inspire each other to be a better person.
- You spend quality time together doing things that are mutually fulfilling as well as quality time apart doing what is important to you individually.
- Caring, kindness, support, encouragement, and empathy are the watchwords of a good and loving relationship. There is simply no room for rudeness, meanness, jealousy, insulting, degrading, blaming, guilting, criticizing, judging, or physically acting out, especially when the object is one's partner. Those boundaries cannot be crossed.