Why online dating is challenging

Online dating is the practice of searching for a soulmate on social networks, normally via a dedicated website.
Online dating is the practice of searching for a soulmate on social networks, normally via a dedicated website.

Here are some reasons why online dating is challenging:
  1. Online dating is not something good, it's bad because it's really isn’t a real relationship. A real one is that both meet each other occasionally or most of your time.
  2. You can’t read what others feel about you, you can't look him/her in the eye.
  3. You can't be certain that the person who wrote their text really meant it. He could feel other feelings for you and trick you. Which happens to some women, it's not unusual.
  4. You will miss him a lot when he or she is not there with you.
  5. Your emotions don’t really get through the texts and therefore you miss out a lot instead if you were seeing each other in real life.
  6. It’s easy to misrepresent oneself, or totally believe the misrepresentations of other people.
  7. Most of them are not real relationships - in some cases, they have not met and barely know each other but one likes to fantasize.

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